D'Hub 2023 Challenge Series Judge
Views on the D’Hub Challenge’s impact locally and globally:
The D’Hub Challenge allowed the local community to participate not only in the challenges but also to partake in key workshops and training sessions to expand their knowledge and skills. The developers were given the opportunity to produce dynamic solutions for government organizations to improve public service thereby elevating the status of Trinidad and Tobago on the global stage.
Farah Hosein
Geographic Information Systems Officer
Trinidad and Tobago Postal Corporation
Ms. Hosein holds the post of GIS Officer at TTPost for more than eleven years. She has a BSc in Geomatics and an MSc in Geoinformatics. She spearheaded the Address Improvement and Postal Code Implementation Project which was completed in March 2021. She now oversees the update and maintenance of the GIS based National S42 Address Database at TTPost.
Insights on the judging process:
The Series was an amazing process filled with grand opportunities for growth and development of skills and knowledge for up and coming developers. It was a stage set to introduce the youth to their future. The organizers of this event made it seamless and should be highly commended.
D'Hub 2023 Challenge Series Judge
Farah Hosein
Geographic Information Systems Officer
Trinidad and Tobago Postal Corporation
Insights on the judging process:
” The Series was an amazing process filled with grand opportunities for growth and development of skills and knowledge for up and coming developers. It was a stage set to introduce the youth to their future. The organizers of this event made it seamless and should be highly commended.”
Ms. Hosein holds the post of GIS Officer at TTPost for more than eleven years. She has a BSc in Geomatics and an MSc in Geoinformatics. She spearheaded the Address Improvement and Postal Code Implementation Project which was completed in March 2021. She now oversees the update and maintenance of the GIS based National S42 Address Database at TTPost.
Insights on the judging process:
” The Series was an amazing process filled with grand opportunities for growth and development of skills and knowledge for up and coming developers. It was a stage set to introduce the youth to their future. The organizers of this event made it seamless and should be highly commended.”
Views on the D'Hub Challenge's impact locally and globally:
“The D’Hub Challenge allowed the local community to participate not only in the challenges but also to partake in key workshops and training sessions to expand their knowledge and skills. The developers were given the opportunity to produce dynamic solutions for government organizations to improve public service thereby elevating the status of Trinidad and Tobago on the global stage. “
Farah Hosein
Geographic Information Systems Officer
Trinidad and Tobago Postal Corporation
Ms. Hosein holds the post of GIS Officer at TTPost for more than eleven years. She has a BSc in Geomatics and an MSc in Geoinformatics. She spearheaded the Address Improvement and Postal Code Implementation Project which was completed in March 2021. She now oversees the update and maintenance of the GIS based National S42 Address Database at TTPost.
Views on the D'Hub Challenge's impact locally and globally:
“The D’Hub Challenge allowed the local community to participate not only in the challenges but also to partake in key workshops and training sessions to expand their knowledge and skills. The developers were given the opportunity to produce dynamic solutions for government organizations to improve public service thereby elevating the status of Trinidad and Tobago on the global stage. “