D'Hub 2023 Challenge Team



Challenge: Customs & Excise Division


Trinicodehunters member Angus Chai Hong hails from Chaguanas, and says he’s here for the challenge as well as the monetary reward. He codes out of passion and his love for getting things to work in front of his eyes.

The second team member is Varendra Baldeen of Princes Town. Varendra never planned to go into software development. He just went with the flow out of school and ended up pursuing it as a career.

Next, team creator Julie Koon Koon, from Arima. Her lecturer from university told her about the competition and she thought it’d be a nice experience to get involved in. She then created a team comprising of colleagues from work. Initiative—that’s a developer.

Finally, Michael Sam from St Augustine. He’s here because he wanted the opportunity to build something that could positively contribute to change in his country. He considers this challenge his first tech heartbreak. Hopefully, a successful pitch will soothe his broken heart!

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